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»Dwarven faction near to be completed
+ Posted By Morgoth946, 21/02/09
The dwarven faction is almost done. I'll start soon with the new faction, the elves, so perhaps the next update is about something for them.
However, I've been adding the last features to the dwarves, adding new maps and optimizing WOTR mode. I have recorded a movie showing a bit how they are and I have taken some shots ingame. Here they go:
Movie (Winrar is needed to decompress the file):


Credit goes to Matias for the skin of Durin. (First shot)


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»It's time to continue
+ Posted By Morgoth946 (9/02/2009)
The Four Ages is still alive. The website has not been upadated for ages, but the mod keeps being updated regularly. The next faction in the list was the dwarves, which initially was not planned to be made.
However, I had a great idea for them so I decided to put them ingame: They are not like any other faction in BFME 2, a mountain is your main base (just like a bfme 1 castle) and you can build units in the main fortress or build exterior buildings.
Those exterior buildings (Based on Khazad-dum and Nogrod) can only be constructed in the cliffs, and they provide you upgrades, siege weapons and elite units.
In addition, the model of the Angband fortress and their walls have been changed for another one. That's it:
Finally, the mod is compatible with the WOTR mode. Anyway, a map of Beleriand would be a very hard task to do, so I won't change it now and the Middle Earth's one will remain.


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»Beta finished
+ Posted By Morgoth946, 24/04/07
After some balancing and school work, we've finished the first beta version of the mod. In this one you'll be able to play with the forces of Angband against the elves, men and dwarves of the original game. Anyway, Angband has many new units and buildings like orcs, trolls, werewolves, dragons, balrogs, vampires, ghosts, machines... I hope you'll enjoy it!

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+ Posted By Morgoth946, 19/10/06
As probably you know, a hacker attacked The 3rd Age websites, well, I've just fixed it, now the webpage works fine
Anyway if you use Internet Explorer I recommend you to use Mozilla Firefox with this website.
Also the best resolution is 1280x1024.

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»Some ingame shots
+ Posted By Morgoth946, 26/9/06
I took some screenshots ingame, for example the finished orcs of Angband.

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»A new design
and some orcish stuff
+ Posted By Morgoth946, 15/9/06
I've just updated the design of the webpage,
this is the evil one, I hope you'll like it.
Furthermore, we've been working with
the new orcs of Angband, they'll have practically infinite variations:

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»MeC Modding
+ Posted By Morgoth946
Today, 1st of September, Middle Earth Center organized an event to modders
to show exclusive content of their mods. In T4A we've released a trailer and
some exclusive screenshots. You can see them here,
or download the trailer in the "download" section.
